What to Say When You Talk to Yourself by Shad Helmstetter
The central of theme of What to Say When You Talk to Yourself is that your inner dialogue to yourself really does matter, and it matters a lot. That’s because more than anyone else, you’re the person who is responsible for controlling how you feel about yourself. If you consistently tell yourself that you’re no good and don’t deserve success, you’ll never be successful. However, if you change that dialogue and constantly remind yourself of all your accomplishments, and everything that you are capable of, you’ll be significantly more likely to achieve your dreams and goals.
What to Say When You Talk to Yourself isn’t a hocus pocus book and it’s not rah-rah material designed to give you a temporary boost that will quickly wear off later. The book is designed to give you a healthy approach to life that will maximize your happiness, and teach you how to have a healthy, success orientated inner dialogue with yourself.
Learn More: What to Say When You Talk to Yourself by Shad Helmstetter