Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
In this groundbreaking book, Daniel Kahneman walks the reader through a series of studies, illustrating how our brains work, and what’s happening “behind the scenes” in our day to day lives. The book is not a quick read, and it borderlines on being dry at times. However, with more than 2,000 reviews on Amazon, it’s quickly becoming accepted as a cornerstone book on human psychology.
Thinking, Fast and Slow shows us that we actually have two different ways of thinking. One is quick and intuitive, it’s the system that pulls your hand off a hot stove before you even realize what’s happening. The other is slow and deliberate, it’s the one that helps you to buy a home and get a good deal on the mortgage. Backing up the entire book with a series of compelling studies, Kahneman helps to reveal the intricacies of our brain, and how we make the decisions we do.
Learn More: Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman