The Mental Game of Baseball: A Guide to Peak Performance by H.A. Dorfman
Unlike other instructional books on the market, The Mental Game of Baseball is dedicated to enhancing a player’s mental understanding of the game, not the physical side. It’s a classic text on the subject, and has been designed to not only be appreciated by players, but managers and fans as well.
The book is packed with stories from major league players, all of which work towards the goal of helping the reader to understand the lessons laid out. Stories are a powerful medium to teach a lesson, and reviewers have commented that The Mental Game of Baseball is a more valuable tool than any sport’s clinic or camp. What’s interesting about the book is that the lessons don’t just apply to baseball. Many of the teachings are universal and can be applied to the board room just as easily as they can be applied to baseball. A well-received book that’s a must read for anyone interested in bettering their peak mental performance.
Learn More: The Mental Game of Baseball: A Guide to Peak Performance by H.A. Dorfman