The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind by Michio Kaku
In the last couple of decades, scientists and doctors have made some incredible advances in our knowledge of the human brain. Using the latest technology, we’ve been able to learn more about the brain than was ever believed possible. The thing is, while our knowledge of the brain is extensive, our practical usage of this data is largely limited to treating illnesses. The future holds so much more though, according to The Future of the Mind.
Michio Kaku, the book’s author, claims that in the future we may be able to achieve incredible feats like uploading an entire human brain to a computer, and creating a world wide “brain net”. While this might sound mystical, Kaku does a thorough job of making it sound inevitable. However, far from hocus-pocus, his arguments are based on the latest research in neuroscience, and the book has received good reviews from various publications. You’ll find it interesting if you like learning about the brain, and are curious about what we might be able to do with it in the future.
Learn More: The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind by Michio Kaku